Friday, 13 July 2012
PDA computer
The PDA Computer
Microprocessors and Memory
Like standard desktop and laptop computers, PDAs are powered by microprocessors.
The microprocessor is the brain of the PDA, and it coordinates all of the functions according to programmed instructions. Unlike desktop PCs and laptops, PDAs use smaller, cheaper
microprocessors. Although these microprocessors tend to be slower than their PC counterparts,
they're adequate for the tasks that PDAs perform. The benefits of small size and price outweigh
the cost of slow speeds.
A PDA doesn't have a hard disk. It stores basic programs (address book, calendar, memo pad
and operating system) in a read-only memory (ROM) chip, which remains intact even when the
machine shuts down. Your data and any programs you add later are stored in the device's
random-access memory (RAM). Information in RAM is only available when the device is on.
Due to their design, PDAs keep data in RAM safe because they continue to draw a small amount
of power from the batteries even when you turn the device off.
Less powerful PDAs have lower amounts of RAM. However, many application programs take up
significant memory space, so most models have more memory. Also, Pocket PC devices
generally require more resources and have even more RAM. To provide additional memory,
many PDAs accept removable flash media add-on cards. These are handy for storing large files or multimedia content, such as digital photos.
Some newer PDAs, such as the Palm Tungsten E2, use flash memory instead of RAM.
Flash memory is non-volatile, which means it preserves the data and applications it stores --
even when all battery power is depleted.
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