
Wednesday, 18 July 2012



A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's written on.
Meaning: A verbal contract is completely useless.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Meaning: When you're away from something you miss it more.

Actions speak louder than words.
Meaning: When you do something it shows more character than
when you say something.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.
A friend is never known till a man have need.

All cats love fish but hate to get their paws wet.
Meaning: Everyone wants success but many lack the self-discipline to
 become successful.

All for one and one for all.
Although people associate it with Alexandre Dumas's The Three Musketeers it is
 much older. It is a translating of the Latin Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno, the
 motto for Switzerland.

All good things must come to an end.
Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater
Meaning: Don't reject something entirely because parts of it are bad.

The door swings both ways.
Meaning: What you do to me, I can do to you.

Friday, 13 July 2012

PDA computer


The PDA Computer

Microprocessors and Memory
Like standard desktop and laptop computers, PDAs are powered by microprocessors.

 The microprocessor is the brain of the PDA, and it coordinates all of the functions according to programmed instructions. Unlike desktop PCs and laptops, PDAs use smaller, cheaper
 microprocessors. Although these microprocessors tend to be slower than their PC counterparts,
 they're adequate for the tasks that PDAs perform. The benefits of small size and price outweigh
the cost of slow speeds.

A PDA doesn't have a hard disk. It stores basic programs (address book, calendar, memo pad
 and operating system) in a read-only memory (ROM) chip, which remains intact even when the
 machine shuts down. Your data and any programs you add later are stored in the device's
random-access memory (RAM). Information in RAM is only available when the device is on.
Due to their design, PDAs keep data in RAM safe because they continue to draw a small amount
 of power from the batteries even when you turn the device off.

Less powerful PDAs have lower amounts of RAM. However, many application programs take up
 significant memory space, so most models have more memory. Also, Pocket PC devices
 generally require more resources and have even more RAM. To provide additional memory,
 many PDAs accept removable flash media add-on cards. These are handy for storing large files or multimedia content, such as digital photos.

Some newer PDAs, such as the Palm Tungsten E2, use flash memory instead of RAM.
Flash memory is non-volatile, which means it preserves the data and applications it stores --
even when all battery power is depleted.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Anak Kecil yang Takut Api

Dalam sebuah riwayat menyatakan bahwa ada seorang lelaki tua sedang berjalan-jalan di 
tepi sungai, sedang dia berjalan-jalan dia terpandang seorang anak kecil sedang 
mengambil wudhu’ sambil menangis.
Apabila orang tua itu melihat anak kecil tadi menangis, dia pun berkata, “Wahai anak 
kecil kenapa kamu menangis?”
Maka berkata anak kecil itu, “Wahai pakcik saya telah membaca ayat al-Qur’an sehingga 
sampai kepada ayat yang berbunyi, “Yaa ayyuhal ladziina aamanuu quu anfusakum”
 yang bermaksud, ” Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, jagalah olehmu sekalian akan dirimu.” 
Saya menangis sebab saya takut akan dimasukkan ke dalam api neraka.”
Berkata orang tua itu, “Wahai anak, janganlah kamu takut, sesungguhnya kamu 
terpelihara dan kamu tidak akan dimasukkan ke dalm api neraka.”
Berkata orang tua itu, sambil menangis ,"sesungguh anak kecil ini lebih takut 
kepada neraka daripada orang yang dewasa maka bagaimanakah keadaan kami nanti?"
Berkata anak kecil itu, “Wahai pakcik, pakcik adalah orang yang berakal, tidakkah pakcik 
lihat kalau orang menyalakan api maka yang pertama sekali yang mereka akan letakkan 
ialah ranting-ranting kayu yang kecil dahulu kemudian baru mereka letakkan yang besar. 
Jadi tentulah saya yang kecil ini akan dibakar dahulu sebelum dibakar orang dewasa.”